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    The annual meeting of Rose Al Jazera Company for the year 2017

    Rose Al Jazera Company held its annual party for the year 2017 at the Grand Plaza Hotel on Saturday 13/01/2018, and the most prominent feature of this ceremony was the family meeting between all the employees of the company and its partners. The company is keen to have the meeting outside the company’s headquarters to strengthen social ties and develop one team spirit among all Rose Al Jazera employees and introducing an atmosphere of entertainment to reflect positively on everyone’s productivity and performance. The ceremony included honoring a number of distinguished colleagues. The honor had a great impact on creating a spirit of good competition among colleagues. It also included in-kind gifts presented by the company to all its honorable employees. The annual meeting included an open meeting with all the company’s departments, with the aim of sharing the employee’s opinions and suggestions in developing and improving the work environment. At the end of the meeting, everyone ate lunch in a family atmosphere of friendly and happiness.

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